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North Carolina hospitals and health systems are committed to caring for all individuals, regardless of their ability to pay. Often, that care can be costly and may lead to financial hardships, especially for the uninsured.
The fear of medical expenses should never interfere with seeking care. Financial assistance is available to eligible patients to ensure healthcare services are accessible and affordable for all.
Applying for financial assistance or charity care can seem challenging, but North Carolina hospitals and health systems have financial advisors available to answer your questions and offer information online to explain the process.
Each hospital runs its own charity care program. To learn more about financial assistance for your hospital visit, contact the financial assistance or billing department of the hospital where you received care. Ask for an application to apply for a charity care discount. Contact information can be found on the hospital website or on a billing statement you received from the hospital. Charity care applications can also be found on each hospital’s website.
Financial assistance eligibility includes free and discounted care options, with the amount of the assistance based on a percentage of the most recent federal poverty guidelines. Financial counselors will also assist all patients in determining eligibility for insurance coverage, including Medicaid or Medicare, and help them apply for any applicable financial assistance programs. To participate in financial assistance programs, it is mandatory that you provide supporting documentation, which may include a tax return, pay stubs, credit application completion and other information.
Depending on your situation, you may qualify for a 100% write-off related to emergent, non-elective services or a substantial discount based on income and a pre-established sliding scale. Hospitals also offer no-interest payment plans for those who do not qualify for financial assistance and need the option of paying their outstanding balance over a period of time.
Click here to find quick links to hospital financial assistance policies.