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One in eight North Carolinians experience food insecurity, which is associated with multiple increased health risks, including birth defects, diabetes, hypertension, poor sleep and mental health conditions.
In January 2022, Novant Health launched Novant Health Nourishes, in partnership with the Novant Health Foundation, to combat food insecurity. As part of the program, Novant Health began conducting a confidential, one question food insecurity screening with every patient who visited a Novant Health clinic. Patients who screen positive for food insecurity are referred to local food pantries and connected with other resources. In more urgent cases, they are provided with an emergency food pack that includes a four-day supply of food.
“In North Carolina, about 14% of our population is food insecure, meaning that sometimes or often, they’re not sure they will be able to feed their family that day,” said Dr. William Hammill, a pediatric cardiologist at Novant Health Pediatric Cardiology – Elizabeth in Charlotte.
Each month, approximately 3,000 patients screen positive for food insecurity at Novant Health medical group clinics – 400 to 600 do not have food for that day. Since the program launch, Novant Health has conducted nearly 370,000 screenings for food insecurity and connected nearly 60% of food insecure patients with a local community resource.
In 2023, Novant Health was awarded Cigna Group’s Health Equity Action Gold Award for this incredible work and received $10,000 to support Novant Health Nourishes.
“The response [to this program] has made us realize that, if you’re positive for food insecurity, it’s very likely you may have issues with transportation, housing, employment or mental health. So, that one question is a door opener,” said Hammill.
Learn more about Novant Health Nourishes, other ways Novant Health is addressing food insecurity in North Carolina, and Cigna Groups’ Health Equity Action Gold Award.
Photos courtesy of Novant Health.